Zildjian 16" ZHT Fast Crash Cymbal Features:
*Clear sounding crash for multiple genres
*Lightweight for a sensitive attack
*Quick transients help the tone cut through
*Bright to midtone
Black Swamp Spectrum系列三角鐵棒,1/4吋棒頭、5/16吋棒頭、3/8吋棒頭各二支,與品質愈好的三角鐵搭配,越能發揮它清晰紮實的觸感,產生優美明亮的聲音,適合專業級演奏。
SPEC1 Light 1/4吋 - For lighter musical situations 1付
SPEC2 Medium 5/16吋 - For a majority of musical situations 1付
SPEC3 Heavy 3/8吋 - For a full sound and louder dynamics 1付
Black Swamp Spectrum系列三角鐵棒, 1/4吋棒頭、5/16吋棒頭、3/8吋棒頭各一支,與品質愈好的三角鐵搭配,越能發揮它清晰紮實的觸感,產生優美明亮的聲音,適合專業級演奏。
SPEC1 Light 1/4吋 - For lighter musical situations 1支
SPEC2 Medium 5/16吋 - For a majority of musical situations 1支
SPEC3 Heavy 3/8吋 - For a full sound and louder dynamics 1支